The young & mighty species, in GAMMA4, are the collection of factions comprised of Humanity. Hence, also called Humanity! Equipped with fire guns & explosives, Humans are one of the most dominant & intelligent species in the galaxy!
A highly advanced species of the humanoid alien race, Atari's civilization once extended the width & breadth of the known galaxy. Always under the hood of a cloak, Atari is equipped with shinny armor, gears & a sharp knife.
An intelligent but cowardly small alien species, Goblin are the hub of vast knowledge, often equipped with guns & metal armors. Squishier than other races, Goblins can fuse their bodies to enhance their physique using their knowledge.
A millennia-old, Marauder represents the machines of war created by an anonymous civilization. Marauders' technological prowess is so strong that no other race across the galaxy can match! Owing to their contemporary AI advancements, these machines revolted against their masters & formed their own civilization.
Mutants, often equipped with radiation masks & gears, are humans turned into giants for frequent exposure to radiation & living in planets of rash environments for generations. Besides forms, the rough living has made Mutants stay tough & cunning invariably.